Purpose of Life

So, life. What is life? There is a concept of Creator. But if there is none, then we're all just part of a very big chemical reaction. Or may be bunch of chemical reactions, roaming around in an environment that supports them. Given that it's true, then there is no purpose to life, and nothing matters. Things that seem should matter only matter until we're alive. After we're dead the chemical reaction continues to take the remains into next stage, decomposition etc. etc. So the only most important thing in life becomes life itself, the survival.

But humans cracked that part of the game long time ago. We don't have to hunt for food everyday,  we don't face life threatning predators frequently (even most of us live our whole life without facing one), and we're constantly finding cures to life threatning deseases to ensure maximum survival rate of our species. So survival in it's true sense is figured out already by our race.

What remains are systems we've created for ourselves in order to survive the natural system, and we instead need to fight for survival in these systems created by humans only. The education, economy, society etc. etc. Everything designed and evolved in order to complement, support and grow each other. We educated our young ones to give them an understanding of the systems we've build around for us to live in. We work to keep the economy running so that most of us can get at least the basic survival need fulfilled, i.e. food. I say most of us because people do die of hunger. A basic google search and a rough calculation, done at the time of writing this, suggests 0.0003 die of hunger everyday. But a similar calculation suggests we're growing at the rate of 0.004 daily. So that's sorted...kinda.

And then there's society. Whether we like it or not, whatever we do is governed highly by this particular system created by humans. Be it in order to fit in, or in order to rebel against it. We can say that we should do whatever brings happiness to us, but humans are hard wired social animals. Acceptance is what brings us happiness. If we only do things that bring joy only to us, they might start to become empty eventually. If we only do things what brings joy to others and not us, they might start to eat us inside out. Probably, it is only by doing things that bring joy to others as well as us, that we creates a sustainable happiness. And that I guess becomes the pupose of life: to search for a community, friend(s), and acquaintances, that gets benfit out of, or like to see us doing, what we like to do.

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