सच बोलूं तो Tuesday, October 10, 2023

सच बोलूं तो कुछ खास चल नहीं रही है जिंदगी अब

हर कमरे में एक मायूसी कोने में बेथी रहती है

देखती रहती है मुझे एक टक निगाह लगा कर

मानो कहती हो कि चुप तो हूं मैं पर मुझे भूल ना जाना

दूसरे कोने में डर भी आँखें फीके घूरता रहता है

जिसे देख के यूं लगता है कि अभी कूद के कुछ नोच देगा

जेसे ही उसको एक हद से ज्यादा ख़ुशी होने का पता चल जाये

खुशी बीच में बैठी होती है खुद कुछ सेहमी हुई सी

पर उसके ज़्यादा पास जाने की हिम्मत नहीं हो पाती है अब

सच बोलूं तो कुछ खास चल नहीं रही है जिंदगी अब

Unending Journey Of Life Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Life, in all its unpredictable and awe-inspiring glory, often feels like a movie unfolding before our eyes. From the mundane to the extraordinary, each passing moment has a way of captivating us, pulling us deeper into the grand narrative of existence. And within this cinematic journey, we encounter goals—small, medium, and large—that shape our aspirations and define our purpose.

It is a peculiar phenomenon, that as we strive towards these goals, there is an innate belief that once we reach them, everything will magically fall into place. We convince ourselves that beyond that threshold lies the promised land, a place where troubles cease to exist and we can bask in eternal bliss. Like the final scene of a movie, we anticipate a sense of closure, where the credits roll and the story concludes.

Yet, life is not a neatly scripted screenplay. As we conquer one milestone, new horizons come into view, beckoning us towards fresh challenges and unexplored territories. It is as if the movie we are living takes an unexpected twist, revealing that the ending we envisioned was merely an illusion. The credits don't roll, and the story continues to unfold with its own set of triumphs and tribulations.

The truth is, life's goals are not finite checkpoints, but rather an ever-evolving series of chapters. Just when we think we have reached the pinnacle of our desires, new aspirations emerge, driving us forward on an unending quest for growth and self-discovery. It is within this perpetual motion that life finds its rhythm, pushing us to expand our boundaries, confront our fears, and strive for greatness.

And yet, amidst the ceaseless pursuit of new goals, there comes a day when the curtain falls. The movie that has consumed our existence comes to an end, leaving behind memories and echoes of the moments that shaped us. It is a poignant reminder that life, like a movie, eventually reaches its final act.

In the end, perhaps the beauty lies not in reaching the end credits, but in embracing the journey itself. Life's tapestry is woven with the threads of dreams, ambitions, and the challenges that test our mettle. It is the ebb and flow, the highs and lows, that lend depth and meaning to our existence.

So, let us continue to live our lives as if we are the protagonists of our own epic stories, appreciating the struggles and victories, the heartaches and joys. Let us cherish the pursuit of our goals, no matter how elusive they may seem, for it is in the pursuit that we find purpose and fulfillment.

And when the time comes for the final scene to fade to black, may we find solace in knowing that we lived a life that was worthy of the silver screen, a life that was an epic tale in its own right.

P.S. This was written by ChatGpt in response to following prompt:

"Write a small piece on how life feels like a movie, that every small/medium/large goal beyong which we cannot see seem like it will be all over after that, like there will not be any more problems after that. But new goals keep coming up, life goes on, until one day it doesn't."

Purpose of Life Thursday, June 9, 2022

So, life. What is life? There is a concept of Creator. But if there is none, then we're all just part of a very big chemical reaction. Or may be bunch of chemical reactions, roaming around in an environment that supports them. Given that it's true, then there is no purpose to life, and nothing matters. Things that seem should matter only matter until we're alive. After we're dead the chemical reaction continues to take the remains into next stage, decomposition etc. etc. So the only most important thing in life becomes life itself, the survival.

But humans cracked that part of the game long time ago. We don't have to hunt for food everyday,  we don't face life threatning predators frequently (even most of us live our whole life without facing one), and we're constantly finding cures to life threatning deseases to ensure maximum survival rate of our species. So survival in it's true sense is figured out already by our race.

What remains are systems we've created for ourselves in order to survive the natural system, and we instead need to fight for survival in these systems created by humans only. The education, economy, society etc. etc. Everything designed and evolved in order to complement, support and grow each other. We educated our young ones to give them an understanding of the systems we've build around for us to live in. We work to keep the economy running so that most of us can get at least the basic survival need fulfilled, i.e. food. I say most of us because people do die of hunger. A basic google search and a rough calculation, done at the time of writing this, suggests 0.0003 die of hunger everyday. But a similar calculation suggests we're growing at the rate of 0.004 daily. So that's sorted...kinda.

And then there's society. Whether we like it or not, whatever we do is governed highly by this particular system created by humans. Be it in order to fit in, or in order to rebel against it. We can say that we should do whatever brings happiness to us, but humans are hard wired social animals. Acceptance is what brings us happiness. If we only do things that bring joy only to us, they might start to become empty eventually. If we only do things what brings joy to others and not us, they might start to eat us inside out. Probably, it is only by doing things that bring joy to others as well as us, that we creates a sustainable happiness. And that I guess becomes the pupose of life: to search for a community, friend(s), and acquaintances, that gets benfit out of, or like to see us doing, what we like to do.

Send Like Invites To All Friends Monday, July 6, 2015

var iLinks = document.getElementsByClassName('uiLinkSubtle')
for(var i = 0; i < iLinks.length; i++){if(iLinks[i].innerHTML.indexOf('Invite friends to like this Page')>0){iLinks[i].click();break;}}
function sdn1(){
if(!document.getElementsByClassName('fbProfileBrowserResult scrollable threeColumns hideSummary').length > 0){console.log('loading friend list...');setTimeout(sdn1,1000);}
var p=0;
function sdn2(){
var frCn=document.getElementsByClassName('fbProfileBrowserResult scrollable threeColumns hideSummary')[0];
if(p<frCn.scrollTop){p=frCn.scrollTop;console.log('loading friend list...');setTimeout(sdn2,1000);}
  else {
   var allButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton');
   var invitesSent = 0;
   for(var i=allButtons.length-1;i>=0;i--)
     if(allButtons[i].innerHTML.indexOf('Invite') > 0)
       console.log('sending invites...');

Bas thodi der aur jhakk maar lu Friday, December 26, 2014

Bas thodi der aur jhakk maar lu
Fir samaet lunga sab kuchh
Saara khilara sambhal lunga
Bas thodi der aur jhakk maar lu
Bohot gand macha hai
Bohot sa kaam bacha hai
Karna saara maine hi hai
Yahan koi meri maa nahi hai
Jo mera machaya khilara sambhale
Jo meri haramkhoriyo ka hisaab de
Bas thodi der aur jhakk maar lu
Fir sab kuchh kar lunga

Afwaahein Monday, September 1, 2014

Now people talk, that's one of the biggest way to communicate ideas among each other. People tell their experiences, their problems and their own stories to each other. But what happens when they don't have any more experiences to share? They shut up and do their work?

No, they start to talk about people they know, this is called Gossiping. This is particularly more interesting than when one tells his own experience, because this time the second person (who is listening to the story) can pass his judgment about the subject (whose story is being told) without taking the risk of hurting feelings of the first person (who is telling the story). This is fine, everyone gossips. Problem starts when the second person becomes the first person and tells the story about the subject to another person. What's the problem you'd ask, see when people start to talk about people they don't know, they tend to add, skip, or change a few details of the story, either by misunderstanding, bad memory, or plane idiocity. This is where things get even more interesting, because here both first and second person don't know the subject. This is called a Afwah. Then there are times people even don't have stories about people they don't know. And that is when they shut up and do their work.

Just kidding :P. This is when people make up fake stories about themselves, or sometimes about people they know, or sometimes they even make up fake people to tell stories about. See? Fake stories about fake people, does it get anymore interesting.

So there, that sums up to roughly 5 types of stories that float around by the word of mouth. Mostly you can tell the real ones from the fakes. Sometimes you hear 2 different stories with same basic structure and a few details changed from two complete unrelated sources. There's a very famous evergreen fake story about different girl's hostels. I've heard it from 3 sources that I can recall, in a local train from Faridabad to Okhla, they said that cleaners found carrots in washrooms of Nehru Girl's College. Then in my college about college's girl's hostel, that they found bananas in the washroom. And the latest was in my office in Jaipur, this time it was a working women's hostel, and they found carrots and radishes in washrooms. A more common type of fake story find its source in messaging services like SMS, email, status messages. Everyone must have seen these. They most probably start with images of cute sick baby that makes you go Aawwww, and ends with a line like forward this message to help this poor baby. Then there are badluck/goodluck for next 5-10 years messages, that if you don't forward you will have or don't have. They can also have some added detail like today is birthday of some God, because u know we have so many of them in India that everyday in a year has one or other God or Guru's birthday. I once tried to start my own original fake story message. It was like that these chain messages are actually made up and encoded by terrorists to pass their secret message, because this way no one can identify the source or destination of the message, so plz forward this to all your contacts and spread the awareness :P. I sent it to 5 or 6 people who used to send these type of messages a lot, and figured out that if I receive this message from anyone other than those 6 people I've successfully generated a fake chain message. But that never happened.

So when do we people shut up? When we die!? Hah! No silly :P, 'cause when we die our relatives/friends/wellwishers cry at the top of their voices. We don't shut up. This is the bottom line. We breath to talk. And let's say there comes a time when our jaws just get tired up of all the exercise, what do we do then? We BLOG! :P