
Travelling, anything more than or around an hour, always gives you enough time to wonder about mysteries of life, reminds you of things you have long forgotten. With almost nothing to do and just sit and wait for your destination to arrive, your mind id the only thing you can run freely. People tend to bring novels, listen to music, watch movies, or even do something constructive for a long journey to pass their time. I've tried them all, watching a movie actually works the best for me. But i really like to let my mind run free. I know it can also run free on a sunday or any other holiday, but a static non changing environment around just doesn't work. While travelling everything is changing, at least outside the window. I don't know how but it helps me let go of my mind. It's like it starts talking to me, about past, about friends, about just stuff. It starts to pour explanations in front of me that i'd have never thought of otherwise. The only problem is it never finishes it's stories. It always leaves to some other plot in between leaving me wondering about how it would have ended. But i like each and every one of those incomplete stories it tells me (much like Pheobe from FRIENDS once said about her novels "being the only one who has read them, i can say they have been received quite well").

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